What happens if you struggle with diet culture, but also need to be on a specific diet for health reasons unrelated to body weight (think: eating gluten-free to manage Celiac disease)? Registered dietitian and PCOS expert, Julie Duffy Dillon talks to us about ways that we can keep from adopting a diet culture mindset even when eating for health is far from intuitive and may require some restriction.
Links From This Episode
- Julie’s site, where you can learn more about her PCOS power course + community
- Julie’s podcast Find Your Food Voice
- Julie on Instagram @pcosbodyliberation
- Our episode, What Anti-Diet Gets Wrong With Jessica Wilson
- Bri Campos on Instagram, @bodyimagewithbri
About Our Guest

After sobbing in her boss’s office 15 years ago, Julie Duffy Dillon, registered dietitian and PCOS expert, taught her last diet. Once she learned about weight stigma and diet harm, she couldn’t unsee it. Now Julie helps people with PCOS confidently tackle health concerns moving forward without shame and blame. She teaches them how to burn their PCOS diet books while bringing clarity into their relationship with food and body. She has spoken at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and was featured dietitian for the reality show My Big Fat Fabulous Life. You can hear her on her podcast, Find Your Food Voice. Learn about her services including her PCOS Power Course + Community at JulieDuffyDillon.com.

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