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Episode 89: Quicker Than Quick Cooking with Pamela Salzman

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Kitchen Skills

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This week’s episode is brought to you by Breyers® CarbSmart

Have you ever needed to trust that a “30-minute meal” will really take 30 minutes to pull together? Do you ever find yourself in desperate need of 15-minute recipes? Food professionals often work in an echo chamber, forgetting that we develop recipes using pro-level skills. It’s easy to lose sight of the reality that, sometimes, quick recipes need to actually be quicker than quick. This week we’re talking about the brand of cooking that gets dinner up and running in no time, no matter your skill, whenever you want it — or more like, whenever you need it.

This post contains affiliate links, we may make a small percentage on products we recommend.


What Is Quicker Than Quick Cooking to You?

The tricky thing about quicker than quick cooking is that it means something different to every home cook. But the bottom line for all of us is: quick cooking that doesn’t live up to the promise when you need it to is not just a disappointment, but a potential problem!

We start this week’s episode by sorting out what quicker than quick cooking means to us, and we dig into it more with guest Pamela Salzman, who wrote the book on quicker than quick cooking — literally. (Her latest is Quicker Than Quick: 140 Crave-Worthy Recipes for Healthy Comfort Foods in 30-Minutes or Less .)

Packed with tips, shortcuts, and tons of ideas, this week’s conversation explores ways that you can set yourself up to cook fresh, healthy meals in whatever short time that you have.

Here are the links mentioned in this week’s conversation:

About Our Guest: Pamela Salzman

Quicker Than Quick cookbook by Pamela Salzman | featured at Didn't I Just Feed You

Pamela Salzman is a certified holistic health counselor and full-time cooking instructor. Her first book is Kitchen Matters: More than 100 Recipes and Tips to Transform the Way You Cook and Eat and her latest is Quicker Than Quick: 140 Crave-Worthy Recipes for Healthy Comfort Foods in 30-Minutes or Less.

Pamela teaches cooking in homes around Manhattan Beach, California, where she lives with her family. While in-person classes aren’t possible, she’s shifted to online cooking classes. She’s also doing nearly daily live broadcasts on her Instagram, @pamelasalzman.

Breyers CarbSmart: Not just for people on a low-carb diet. Even the kids are stealing our stash! | Didn't I Just Feed You2.jpg

We Love Our Sponsor, Breyers® CarbSmart

Y’ALL! This is a major tip: If you watch carbs for whatever reason, you’ll be obsessed with Breyers CarbSmart, a line of sweet treats with 3 to 5 grams net carbs per serving (and hey, 3 grams of fiber too!).

Stacie is obsessed! And, honestly, so are her kids and Meghan, too, and none of them watch carbs or care about much of anything when it comes to frozen treats except TATSE! And these TASTE DELICIOUS.

Breyers CarbSmart comes in tons of flavors in both tubs (vanilla, chocolate and peanut butter) and bars (almond, vanilla, fudge, mint fudge and caramel swirl). It’s PERFECT for your next sweets craving.

Look for Breyers CarbSmart at your favorite major retailer, from Walmart to Target, Kroger to AmazonFresh. And listen to this week’s episode for an exclusive discount.

Other DIJFY Episodes You’ll Love

If you loved this episode, we think you’ll also love these past episode. Binge listen, activate!

Image via Peanut on Instagram

Commiserate With Us!

Be sure to join our private Listener’s Group on Facebook (our favorite cocktail is WHISKEY — you’ll understand when you try to join). This week, we’ll be collecting your favorite quicker than quick dinner recipes. Because it takes a village!

And don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to make sure you don’t miss a thing.

You can find us at @didntijustfeed you on Instagram, Facebook at large and Pinterest. And if you happen to love us as much as we love you (because y’all are very real), you can find Meghan as @meghan_splawn and Stacie as @staciebillis on Instagram.

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Our favorite cocktail is WHISKEY — you’ll understand when you try to join). This week, we’ll find out what you’re cooking and eating now too.  

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