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Chocolate and Cherry Curd Pie

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baking, Desserts

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Obviously inspired by our conversation with Lauren Ko, this pie is a riff on a sweet treat and gift that we both love —chocolate-covered cherries. A sweet, dark chocolate crust snuggles a tart-sweet filling made from an easy puree of our favorite canned cherries from Oregon Fruit. Their Tart Cherries make for a pretty in pink pie that is the perfect end to a rich holiday meal.

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Tart Cherry Tart with Chocolate Cookie Crust | Didn't I Just Feed You podcast

Chocolate and Cherry Curd Pie

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  • Author: Stacie and Meghan
  • Yield: 12


For the chocolate tart shell 
24 chocolate sandwich cookies, such as Oreos 
¼ teaspoon salt 
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 

For the Tart Cherry Curd
1 (15 ounce) can Oregon Fruit Tart Cherries 
1 cup sugar  
4 large egg yolks 
¼ cup cornstarch 
1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
½ teaspoon salt 
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened 

For topping and serving 
1(15 ounce) can Oregon Fruit Dark Cherries, drained 
Whipped Cream 
Melted Dark Chocolate


  1. Heat the oven to 350 degrees F. Coat a 9- or 10-inch tart pan with non-stick spray. Set aside
  2. Put the cookies into a food processor and pulse into a fine crumb. While pulsing, drizzle in the 6 tablespoons melted butter until combine. Dump the chocolate cookie crust into the tart pan. Use your fingers to spread the crust into a single layer. Then use the bottom of a heavy-bottomed glass to press the crust firmly into an even layer, pressing the crust up the sides to create a ½ inch tall border. Bake the crust for 8 to10 minutes, or until the middle of the crust looks shiny. Set aside to cool completely.
  3. Wipe out your food processor, don’t worry about a few crumbs. Puree the can of Oregon Fruit Tart Cherries and move to the saucepan. Add the sugar, egg yolks, cornstarch, vanilla extract, and salt and stir to combine. Bring the mixture to a simmer over medium heat, stir constantly. When the mixture comes to a boil, thickens, and can easily coat the back of a spoon, remove the pot from the heat.
  4. Strain the cherry mixture into a large bowl or measuring cup and whisk in the 2 tablespoons of soft butter. Carefully pour the warm filling into the crust and smooth it to fill the crust. Move the pie to the fridge and chill until set, at least 3 hours
  5. Top the pie with drained Oregon Fruit Dark Cherries, whipped cream, and melted chocolate, as desired. 

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