We're Meghan & Stacie

Armed with culinary prowess, practical advice, and microphones, Meghan and Stacie make life as the family cook easier. And funnier too?


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180: How to Nacho Anything with Dan Whalen

Nachos are a beloved appetizer and, if you ask us and this week’s guest, Dan Whalen, they are also a genius family meal. In this episode, we talk to Dan about what makes nachos nachos and how we can play with the concept to make dinners that are as delicious and nourishing as they are fun.

About Our Guest: Dan Whalen

Combining the amazing flavors, varied textures, and fun of the beloved dish, Dan Whalen creates recipes ranging from the satisfying finger food we all know and love, to takes befitting of a fork and knife meal, and they are so easy that even the kids will want to help with dinner. His latest book, Nachos for Dinner, takes the spirit of this treasured appetizer as an easy, versatile crowd-pleaser, with crunchy, melty, and flavorful elements combining to create something different for every night of the week, with little to no clean-up and a minimum of pans used!
You can find more of Dan’s recipes beyond nachos at his site, The Food In My Beard, as well as info on his other books on S’mores, Tots, and more.

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