We're Meghan & Stacie

Armed with culinary prowess, practical advice, and microphones, Meghan and Stacie make life as the family cook easier. And funnier too?


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Did you know that you can call us? From your device? Like, RIGHT NOW!?

It’s true. Click below, hit start recording, and tell us what’s on your mind. We think you can imagine what our inbox looks like (right?): voicemail is the way to go to share your thoughts, ideas, and even just your happy hellos. 

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121: Reflections on 2020—and Looking Ahead

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This week’s episode is brought to you by the Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls Podcast

2020 was a dumpster fire of a year, but since y’all like when we get personal, we’re reflecting on it anyway. We’re also looking ahead to 2021, because it’s fun to do (and we haven’t learned our lesson yet). Oh, and listen to this one all the way to the end: we promise it’s worth it.

This post contains affiliate links, we may make a small percentage on products we recommend.

Ashley Toth for Parents Magazine

Dare We Make 2021 Plans?!

Looking ahead is not just fun, it also feels necessary this year. So with humility and preparedness for flexibility should the need arise (ha!), we’re letting you in on what’s ahead for Didn’t I Just Feed You.

Until then:

Check out Didn’t I Just Feed You on iTunes and help us reach our goal of 400 ratings/reviews before the end of the year. WE CAN DO IT!

Not many links this week, but here they are:

Other DIJFY Episodes You’ll Love

If you loved this episode — and all the other episodes we linked to in this week’s episode — we think you’ll also love these past episode. Binge listen, activate!

Did you know that you can leave Stacie and Meghan of Didn't I Just Feed You a voice mail? It's true! Here's how.

Leave us a Voicemail!

Did you know that you can call us? From your device? Like, RIGHT NOW!

It’s true. Click here, hit start recording, and tell us what’s on your mind. We think you can imagine what our inbox looks like (right?): voicemail is the way to go to share your thoughts, ideas, and even just your happy hellos.

We Love Our Sponsors!

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls podcast: Don't miss the newest season. We're obsessed! | Didn't I Just Feed You

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls

The award-winning podcast, Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls is back with an all new season! This time, you’ll hear stories narrated by incredible women from the worlds of art, music, business and sports about amazing immigrant women from all over the planet that have changed the world in so many ways.

Research shows that only 19% of childrenʼs books showcase women with jobs or career ambition. The Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls podcast is an amazing resource for parents of  children of any gender to inspire, educate, and instill confidence in all little rebels everywhere.

Not Just Co. Modern Pantry Staples | featured at Didn't I Just Feed You

Not Just Co

Not Just isn’t an active sponsor these days, BUT we hate the thought of you missing out on a single deal!

They’ve recently launched several new products that are all as delicious as their sauce, which we’ve talked about, and also all-natural, vegan, and gluten-free. We’re talking a Lemon Miso Dressing, Coconut Sugar Caramel AND Pesto.

Check them out at NotJust.co and don’t forget to use the code DIJFY to get 20% off!

Get Social With Us

Be sure to join our private Listener’s Group on Facebook (our favorite cocktail is WHISKEY — you’ll understand when you try to join). This week, we want to hear about what this year was like for you: SHARE! We love hearing what’s big, new and good in your life, and also what hardships you’ve grappled with, too, if that’s what you want to share.

And of course, don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to make sure you don’t miss a thing.

You can also find us at @didntijustfeed you on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. And if you happen to love us as much as we love you (because y’all are very real), you can find Meghan as @meghan_splawn and Stacie as @staciebillis on Instagram.

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Our favorite cocktail is WHISKEY — you’ll understand when you try to join). This week, we’ll find out what you’re cooking and eating now too.  

Join Our Private Listener's Community on Facebook

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A meal plan — complete with recipes and a shopping list — that you can rely on all year long. Dinner, done! ✅