Our favorite cookbook expert and host of the popular Salt + Spine podcast, Brian Stewart, is back for our 3rd annual cookbook gift guide episode. Brian shares his picks for the best cookbooks of 2020 in categories that reflect this strange and difficult year. For example: Tired of cooking — but know you can’t stop? He’s got a cookbook for you! Need your teen to step up and help in the kitchen? We’ve got a cookbook for that — and so much more too!
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Our King of Cookbooks Returns
Three years running, we’ve had the pleasure of reviewing the year in cookbooks with Brian Stewart of Salt + Spine podcast. We can’t just have Brian give basic recommendations, oh no no no, each year we give him wildly specific categories to ensure that we get the very best cooks for parents, kids, and other busy home cooks.
You Can Peruse the List Above While You Listen, but Here Are a Few Other Things We Discussed with Brian This Year.
His most used cookbook (still) Repertoire by Jessica Battilana
His most used cookbook from this year: Eat What You Want by Gaby Dalkin
Brian’s fave (food) podcast in 2020 Communal Table hosted by Kat Kinsman & Home Cooking with Samin Nosrat
Other DIJFY Episodes You Should Check Out

Brian Stewart — Our Favorite Cookbook Expert
To follow Brian, subscribe to Salt + Spine, join his #TalkCookbooks community, follow Salt + Spine on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Brian Stewart is the host of Salt + Spine podcast where he fosters deeper conversations about food, recipes, and how they impact our lives with writer, cookbook authors and more. Featuring interviews with leading authors, Salt + Spine explores the art and craft of cookbooks, looking at both new and vintage cookbooks and the inspirations behind them — the compelling people who create them — and their impact on home cooks and the culinary world.

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Oregon Fruit
Oregon Fruit is everything you dream of in a grocery store shortcut: it saves time and effort without any sacrifice of quality or flavor.
Their Red Tart Cherries are canned with just two simple ingredients — cherries and water — that are also Non-GMO Project Verified, contain ZERO high fructose corn syrup, and come packed in cans with BPA-free linings. Their other berries and specialty fruit are equally wholesome and delicious, and ALL of their products can be used in sweet baking, savory cooking, and even cocktails!
Look for Oregon Fruit at your local grocery store, and online at Walmart.com or Amazon.

How to Be a Person
Illustrated in full-color, graphic novel style, How to Be a Person: 65 Hugely Useful, Super-Important Skills to Learn before You’re Grown Up teaches kids 10 and up important skills that empower them to gain independence and to be helpful members of their families and communities. And more importantly, it’s as hilarious as it is practical.
A perfect gift for the kids in your life, you can grab a copy wherever you purchase your books or order directly from Workman Publishing and use the discount code PERSON to get 20% off any purchase made before 12/31/2020.