We’ve finally done it: we’ve recorded an entire episode in which we go full-on Petty Crocker. You all shared with us a couple of recent articles about feeding toddlers that have us fired up. Because if there’s one thing that gets our mom panties in a knot, it’s food experts telling you that your picky eater is a problem and they have the solution.
Newsflash: There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to feeding kids. Even the picky ones.
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A Hive Mind Approach
This episode was inspired by two articles in particular — “How I Got My Toddler Interested in Food and Cooking” by J. Kenji Lopez-Alt and “How to Get Your Kids to Eat a Giant Tray of Vegetables” by Deb Perelman for her column The Picky Eaters Club at Bon Appetit (which features Deb’s Pita Chip Salad, pictured above) — but let’s be clear about a few things:
Both Kenji and Deb are fantastically talented food writers and recipe developers whose work we admire.
Their tips are smart and recipes delicious.
They are far from the only food writers who get our goat in the way that we talk about in this week’s episode.
But since these two articles were top of mind — and got us all riled up — we took to the mic. Because we can’t help but wonder if the framing of their recipes and tips quietly breed guilt for busy working parents who are already doing so much to get meals on the table three times a day, every day.
If you ask us, a hive mind approach is much more helpful, no matter how delicious the recipe or smart the tips. Take a listen and tell us if you agree.
Links From This Week’s Episode
It turns out that when you rant, you don’t make too many outside references. (Ha!)
Here are the few things we mentioned in this episode:
Kenji’s Light and Fluffy Buttermilk Pancakes (pictured above; now this is how you feed a toddler, Kenji!)
Kevin Hart: Don’t F**k This Up on Netflix
Debbie Koenig’s family meal plan newsletter
Cheese Me! The Ultimate Guide to Making Family-Friendly Cheese and Snack Boards
Other #DIJFY Episodes You’ll Love
Get Bonus Content!
Did you know that we have a newsletter in which we share bonus content every single week? So far, subscribers have gotten an unpublished recipe from Catherine McCord’s smoothie book, a recipe for lower-sugar Chocolate Cake with Whipped Chocolate Frosting, Stacie’s Vegetarian Tortilla Soup, and MORE!
Sign up now to make sure you don’t miss out!
Let’s Be Friends
Be sure to join our private listeners’ group on Facebook (our favorite cocktail is WHISKEY — you’ll understand when you try to join). There, we’ll talk more about what you all want from food media and experts. Are Deb and Kenji super helpful to you? If not, why? If you find us helpful, what’s the distinction? And what do you need that nobody is food media is serving up?
We want to know!
You can also find us at @didntijustfeed you on Instagram and on Facebook at large. And if you happen to love us as much as we love you (we really do!), you can find Meghan as @meghan_splawn and Stacie as @staciebillis on Instagram.
Your Next Listen: The Mom Hour
If you’re always looking for something to listen to, check out one of our favorite podcasts, The Mom Hour.
Between them, hosts Sarah and Meghan have EIGHT kids from little to grown and are in different stages of life in different parts of the country. Together, they offer a wide lens on this whole motherhood thing.
Every week, they share practical tips, judgement-free advice, and real stories of how they’ve handled parenting challenges, from potty training to finding time for genuine self care.
They’re not experts, but parents who’ve been there. They’re not perfect, but they’re real. And we think they’re hella funny too.
Trust us, you’ll never want to miss an episode, so subscribe right now wherever you get your favorite podcasts.
You asked, we delivered.
Or did we just want Cheese Me totes? Either way: they’re available! Head to the Didn’t I Just Feed You store on Society 6 to grab yours now. We’ll have more products coming later this year, but get this baby STAT to help us bring cheesy back.