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Ruffled Milk Pie

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This simple galoktopita (Greek milk pie) is Stacie’s easy way of getting a taste of her favorite Greek dessert, Galaktoboureko, something her grandmother used to make for special occasions. Instead of a thick layer of fussy custard, this recipe uses just enough of a simple custard and a clever trick for artfully arranging phyllo dough to get all the right flavor in less than half the time. While Stacie can’t be with her own mother this Mother’s Day because of Coronavirus, this recipe can help her share a taste of home with her boys.

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Ruffled Milk Pie recipe | Didn't I Just Feed You podcast

Milk Pie

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  • Author: Stacie and Meghan
  • Yield: 8 to 10


1 16-ounce package phyllo dough, thawed 
6 tablespoons salted butter, melted and cooled
3/4 cup sugar, plus 1 teaspoons granulated sugar
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
3 cups dairy milk
1 cinnamon stick
Peel of 1 lemon* 
5 large eggs
Powdered sugar, for serving


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Brush the bottom and sides of a 10- to 12-inch round baking dish with butter; set aside. One by one, lay a single sheet of thawed phyllo dough with the long sides parallel to the edge of your work surface. Brush the sheet with butter. Then, gently push each of the long edges towards each other, creating a long, “ruffled” strip of dough. Create a spiral with your first strip and place it in the center of the prepped baking dish. Wrap all subsequent strips around the one before it, filling the dish with a ruffled circle of dough that forms from the center outward. 

  2. Brush the top of the phyllo dough with remaining butter and sprinkle the top evenly with 1 teaspoon of sugar and the cinnamon. Bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes, before allowing to rest on the counter. Leave the oven on.

  3. In the meantime, place milk, cinnamon stick, and lemon peel in a medium saucepan set over medium flame. Heat until just barely a boil. Remove from heat and allow to sit for 5 minutes. 

  4. Whisk together eggs and remaining ¾ cups sugar until frothy and all of the sugar has dissolved.

  5. Remove cinnamon stick and lemon peel from the heated milk. Pour it into the egg mixture in a very slow, steady stream, whisking all the while. 

  6. Pour egg/milk mixture over par-baked phyllo and return to the oven for another 20-25 minutes, until the custard is set and the top is a deep golden brown. Rest for at least 5 minutes before dusting with powdered sugar and serving. 

NOTE: Use a vegetable peeler to get approximately 3 or 4 strips of lemon peel. No need to grate or chop! Be mindful to get as little of the white, bitter pith as possible. But no need to stress: this is not a precision job!

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