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It’s easy to think about packing school lunch as just another task on our list. We look for tips on how to make it go faster. We seek out ways to urge our kids to get with the agenda (and eat their damn lunch). And put the program on repeat 180 times during the school year. It’s not much fun, but as long as we get through, it’s good enough.
This week, Stacie and Meghan speak to Catherine McCord of Weelicious who inspires us to think about school lunch as more. Not more work, but more freedom for us and more opportunity for our kids. Her tips are more than practical — they actually shift our perspective to the bigger promise of school lunch. Yes, for real.
Healthy Lunches Should Be Fun, Right?!
It’s true. Deep realizations were had, and if you listen to this week’s episodes, we think you may have one too. But of course, we did not philosophize the whole time. We also share plenty of real-life tips.
Catherine told us about her favorite lunch box (the Rover from PlanetBox), ways that she changes up healthy foods to make them more appealing, her formula for making sure that every lunch is nutritionally well-balanced without having to reinvent the wheel everyday, and of course, how she keeps it fun.
Because in all seriousness, fun is key.
Give It Up to The Kids
Catherine also told us that she keeps a white board in her pantry where the kids write down their current favorite school lunch foods and snacks. That way, she always has an up-to-date grocery list of foods she knows her kids will eat. Take a look (this is really from her pantry!):
Your Mindset Is the Real Game Changer
But even with all these helpful tips, we know that the real game changer is shifting your mindset. And that’s what Catherine is so great at helping people do. In fact, she even inspired a major aha moment for Stacie and Meghan, both of whom think about school lunch for their kids and for work.
This week’s conversation gets to something new and deeper that maybe you haven’t thought of before. We don’t just talk about the connection between healthy lunches and improved concentration and performance, because we know that you guys are already aware of that connection.
We also talk about the power of sending kids to school with healthy foods while we’re not around to oversee what they’re eating.
Can packing a healthy school lunch foster autonomy? Can it empower kids to to develop a relationship with healthy food on their own terms? Can it set off positive peer influence?
If so, those are a whole lot of great opportunities that a healthy lunch box can create for our kids.
If so, it might be worth shifting out mindset. Even if just a little.
We Love Our Sponsors
A big thank you to One Potatoand Elmhurst and for sponsoring this week’s episodes and for generously sharing discounts to our listeners.